Details of Book :Dynamics of Development and Social Exclusion in India
TITLE :Dynamics of Development and Social Exclusion in India
AUTHOR : Dr. Rabindra Garada
ISBN : 9789383575619
LANGUAGE : English
YEAR : 2015
PRICE : Rs 1295
About Book:The present book edited by Dr. Rabindra Garada is a significant contribution to the understanding of dynamics of development and social exclusion in Indian society. The so called “development” whether economic or social is assumed to be the most inclusive strategy for the development of socially excluded groups in developing country like India. Based on important review and research papers related to dynamics of development and social exclusion the book reveals both optimistic and pessimistic perspective for an inclusive future of India. At the present scenario, the dynamics of development have undergone a sea change by the forces of liberalization, privatization and globalization in both developed and developing countries. However, the change has been contested worldwide, because of the fact that there is growing disillusionment with its promises that “things will be better” for everybody, specially the “poor” and “disadvantaged groups” in the society by its development interventions. In fact, the term “Development” has become a controversial “buzz word” (fashionable word/Jargon) and “fuzz word” (confusing word) in developing country like India where large sections of population are at receiving ends for centuries. Over the last more than six decades India has been trying to bridge the gap between rich and poor in the society. In fact, this has become a never ending process, and rather the gap between rich and poor has been increased. The government of India has been tackling the problems of economic disparity and social disintegration of the most deprived and marginalized sections through consecutive five years plans, community development programmes, and many other socially determined development interventions. In this context, the “social exclusion” as a broad concept not only gives us a framework of thinking and understanding but also help developing an amicable solution to its associated dimensions of social deprivation, socio-economic marginalization, socio-psychological oppression, etc, in the contemporary India. It is a challenge for government actors and development specialists for combating social exclusion in the present context of development in the country. Especially, the social exclusion of tribal people who have been isolated by the mainstream societies for centuries and alienated from their livelihood resources (land, water and forest) by mining, industrial and infrastructural projects, social exclusion of dalits who are denied their basic human rights by institutional arrangements of hierarchy, purity and pollution, occupational disabilities, civil disabilities, etc and social exclusion of women who are denied from a decent living by the gender arrangement of patriarchy, patrilineal family structures, unequal economic inheritance, cultural seclusion, etc have been the visible concerns for the ambitious researchers and academicians in the country. This book addresses the dynamics of development and social exclusion as well as focuses how social inclusion will be achieved in India. Broadly the book has focused on both theoretical and empirical issues on development and social exclusion of dalit, tribe and women in contemporary Indian society. It is expected that book will bring out a suggestive framework and strategies for a progressive inclusion of socially excluded groups/ communities in the process of development of the country. It will also educate and sensitize the readers regarding ongoing problems of social exclusion in the inclusive development of India. The selected papers of high quality put together in a volume for this book will certainly attract good attention for further research and policy formulation in the country.